Are you moving or simply running out of
room at home? AC/BC storage units have
the ideal solution for life's collectables.Your
treasures will be safe and secure.There are
a variety of sizes available to store every-
thing from household items,furniture,the
Christmas decorations or even the boat or
De-clutter your home.
Having to store business records for 5 to 7 years can be an enormous burden and cost. AC/BC Storage have the perfect solution. Storage units of any size, just add some shelving and your records will be easily accessible, safe and secure 24 hours a day,7 days a week.
Running a home business? Let AC/BC Storage offer you the perfect storage solutions. Bulky items that you only use once a year,excess stock or marketing material it is cheaper than you think. Don't clutter up your showroom floor, keep your stock turning over. Storage is the perfect solution to help you to buy in bulk.
Phone: 0747831911
Mobile: 048rentals
Address: 99-101 Tenth Avenue,Home Hill